4-5PM: The Bay High History Corridor will be open from 4-5PM.
The parade will step off at Wolf and Cahoon at 5:30. All groups must meet in the Middle School parking lot (Cahoon Rd. will remain open because of construction on Lake and Wolf Roads). Alumni are encouraged to walk in the parade – behind one of the alumni floats. There may be limited space remaining on one of the floats for those who want to ride – but space is very limited and filling up. Proudly wear your blue and white.
Any classes / reunions who want to carry a banner are welcome to do so. We would advise you to park at the high school by 5 at the latest – and take the complimentary school bus from the high school parking lot to the Middle School lot. The bus will run as many times as necessary – but plan on the last run being around 5-5:15.
For those wishing to view the parade, some of the best spots / least crowded spots are on the north side of Wolf by the Nature Center. The area around the high school entrance is normally very crowded.